

Another Day, Another Dollar
Mar 1, 2002
I have asked you to stop the chit stirring privately via email and I believe I have asked in the forums also. It was Tater and now it is ASG. If there is a next time, there will be No Prosides here.

I would appreciate your cooperation in this matter. It is a rather simple request. You may feel free to use the Rubber Room when you feel the need to instigate trouble.

Thank you & Happy New Year

New member
Oct 19, 2004
Hard to believe!

I being an ex-Marine myself 2nd Bat 9th Marines Weapons company
(mark19, 50 cal., 60's, Dragons, and TOW's) Tank killers from 87-91

that you are so soft in allowing these frauds to continue to post without
any contructive critisism or being exposed for what they and you know them
to be. the things they post are ridiculous to say the least sometimes.

I just would have thought you being a Marine or ex-Marine wouldn't
allow this to go on in a forum such as this without being checked by
yourself or by someone else that was justified. These claims that
these guys are making on their posts are fraudulant to say the least.
You might as well be allowing "pro Touts" to come on this forum and
thread their 85% winning records.

Just read what Tater is threading as of late. This ridiculous 5% thing
about NBA wagerers making money. Your going to allow him to post
s**t like that and not be exposed for making that up without any
data to support or sources to back such a claim.

If this gets me kicked off this forum trust me I won't lose any sleep and
you can continue to allow these ridiculous threads to go unchecked
by no one including yourself.

no disrepect to you or this forum but people just as Marines should be
continually checked even if it means stepping on toes once n' while.
You should realize this more than anyone in this forum.

Semper Fi, Once a Marine, Alaways a Marine!
Prosides out and justified

New member
Oct 19, 2004
I believe!

you will being doing alot of threaders and wagers' a huge dis-service
if you continue to allow them to be mislead by fruadulant claims
and ridiculous systems that you know are eaten up by the industry
day in and day out. Witout allowing other threaders' to stand up and
tell the truths for the benifits of others.
Like I said before if being right gets me kicked out of here so be it!
At least I'll sleep better at night knowing that I wouldn't have allowed
these things to go unchecked.
Trust me when I say I won't lose any sleep. I have a beautiful wife
(miss nude FLA. 2000) and three beautiful kids to keep me busy. Not to mention
I live and play in wonderful Las Vegas! So if you want to continue to
allow your threaders to go unchecked, to the demise of other threaders
and wagers' so be it. I've done what I believe to be right for not only
myself but for others that don't need to be lead into the fire by
ridiculous claims and systems that you and I know to be very false.
Now it's up to you to decide wether this stuff continues to go unchecked
or even confronted by someone you know is justified in doing so. I'm not bragging when I say I've been in this and around this business for many
a years now here in Vegas with much success on both sides of the window.
My bankroll is very abundant to say the least and my long-term success
is only matched by few in this town or elsewhere for that matter. So I
leave it up to you General to decide the fate of myself and our fellow
threaders if you are going to continue to allow bulls**t that I know
and you know to continue to go on without it being checked with some
sanity and common sense once n' while. Its not like I come on here
and constantly bash them. I don't have the the time or mental energy to
constantly babysit, I do enough at home with 3 kids of my own. But I
believe the majority of these threaders to benifit from what I can add and
also what I can expose for be falsehoods and leading people astray in the
long-term. If this is it then good wagering to you and your fellow threaders!
Good Luck, they're going to need it if you continue to allow them to be
mislead by a few! Prosides Justified and Qualified!

Ron Mexico. #7
Sep 20, 2004
Trust me when I say I won't lose any sleep. I have a beautiful wife
(miss nude FLA. 2000) .................

Nice, hook up there...I bet tappin that doesnt get old.....PEACE....

My old RX hero used to be PANTHER but with the above mentioned credentials, YOU have now taken over that honor...Congrats Corporal.....

Retired; APRIL 2014 Thank You Gambling
Sep 20, 2004
Red Sox
Schilling Listed Over Yankees +126
$5.00 To Win $6.30
Pinnaclesports Lines Provided
Just Cuzz!!!!!!!!!!!!
Starting Small Again After Losing Everything!!!
Not Just Talking About My Bankroll!
Slowly Getting Back On Feet!

you go big money man!! haha,,,, just like we believe your married to a supermodel haha,,, and your BR is the size of B.W. 's haha,,,, your the Fraud my friend,,,, Im being Tracked from DAY 1!!!! {Complete TRUTH} and your SPIRALING into the toilet,,, why dont you IMPRESS Us with how much you won last night??? haha,, or even better yet,,, continue to post your Full Slate!! you wont cause you dont want to be tracked!!

there is still a Full season left,,, I will still put my system against yours,,, you can bet any unit size,,and I will bet 2 units,,,,, I will still beat you come April,,,


Another Day, Another Dollar
Mar 1, 2002
In the Corps, they taught alot about Professionalism, Courtesy, Respect, and Cooperation also. We can harp over which path we want to take from now until 2010, but the request stands. Please respect enough to abide by our rules or find another site to post at.

You cooperation is appreciated.

Semper Fi

Ron Mexico. #7
Sep 20, 2004
Needless to say, if you arent married to MISS NUDE FLORIDA 2000 you will no longer be my RX hero.....

I smell a challenge brewing on the horizon.....

BTW, what is SEMPER FI ??

New member
Nov 16, 2004
If my plays begin to crash and burn, I invite you back into my thread to bash all you want. At least wait until then. Granted my success rate has not been proven long-term, but I am off to a decent start. I will agree that an 85% percent success rate would be hard to maintain, but I never claimed that. Not sure if you have a problem with the title of my thread or the method in which I choose my plays. Maybe you can clarify and I would be more than happy to discuss. But, I assure you that my plays are accurately tracked and there is nothing fraudelant or misleading about them. We were even on some of the same plays that you bashed, so why can't we just make some cash and enjoy some success together.

New member
Oct 19, 2004
Tater if you must know

I lost everything (material and money) due to a divorce 2 years ago
and am now starting completly over. I let the mother of my first two
children have everything and have subsequently started
completly over with everything (wife, new child, home, furniture, etc.).
So forgive me right now if I'm not currently firing with huge bullets. But
there was a time and there will be again that I fired more on one game
than I made in tips and wages behind my bar at the MGM in two weeks.
And yes my current wife is and was a supermodel and if you need proof
she cocktails at the same bar I work at and would love to meet and
introduce if your ever in Vegas so that you can prove to yourself and
this forum that I am not a fraud. I now how to bankroll and wager with
common sense that's why I will be back on top. It will take time, but
time is really all we have. Trust me the people that I know in the
industry that live and play here in Vegas didn't get to where they are or
in my case once was without patience and discipline. There isn't any
goofy systems that have come or being tried that are going to bring the
sports wagering industry to their knees ever, ever! Learn that now and
you will be doing yourself a huge favor and will save yourself alot of time
and money. Prosides qualified and justified!

the maker of steam
Dec 25, 2004
#-1 can you post a picture of your wife prosides

#-2 tate,if you'd like to put a couple dimes up against me,I'll be glad to have a sportsbook of your choice hold on to the funds in a head to head challenge.get back to me.would be fun

New member
Oct 19, 2004
posting pictures

steam maker I would love to post pictures of my lady but too many
sick people to do that, sorry! and to tell you the truth not overly
concerned with anyone believing me anyways. My life is great wether
people want to believe it or not. I'm bartending in Vegas (MGM), not
hiding from anybody.

Retired; APRIL 2014 Thank You Gambling
Sep 20, 2004
prosides,,, all beefs aside,,, I will probably be up in vegas staying at the MGM in a month or so,(probably late FEB),, my girl and I were invited by your entertainment director to come and see the new RA show(sp??) they asked us to come there I think the 11th of Dec??? or something like that,,,She is a personal friend of my girlfriend,,,,,
we couldnt come because we were in hawaii,,
I will see you in a month or so Im sure,,,

I too gave up everything in a divorce 3 years ago and just like you I was at -0-

its kindof funny sometimes how people who dont like one another sometimes find uncanny similarities in their lives,,,,

anyway,,,, there is a poll in the main forum,,,, go up there and VOTE

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